Select a state to see who inherits the intestate estate of someone who dies without a will according to that state’s intestacy laws.
Additional state programs are being reworked to PHP as time allows and will be added to this list when complete.
Alabama Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Maternal-paternal division between grandparents included
Arizona Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per capita divisions and community property allocation included
California Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Distributions to previously deceased spouse’s heirs included
Colorado Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Accounts for differences in the law for deaths before and after 08/10/2022
~ Per capita divisions and annual cost-of-living adjustments included
Connecticut Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Distribution through issue of step-children and per stirpes divisions included
Delaware Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Distribution through the 12th degree of relation and per stirpes divisions included
District of Columbia Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Distribution through the 5th degree of relation and per stirpes divisions included
Florida Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Half-blood divisions included
Georgia Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per stirpes divisions included
Hawaiʻi Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Accounts for differences in the law for deaths before and after 06/29/2023
~ Per capita divisions included
Idaho Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Modified per stirpes divisions and maternal/paternal divisions at grandparent relation
Illinois Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per stirpes divisions included
Indiana Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per stirpes divisions and independent allocation of real estate included
Iowa Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Maternal-paternal division between grandparents and between four sets great-grandparents and their issue included
Kentucky Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Half-blood divisions, maternal/paternal divisions at grandparent relation, distribution to heirs of predeceased spouse included
Maine Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per capita divisions and distribution among great-grandparents’ issue and step-children included
Maryland Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Maternal-paternal division between grandparents and between four sets great-grandparents and their issue included
Massachusetts Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per capita divisions and distribution through the 12th degree of kinship included
Michigan Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per capita divisions and annual cost-of-living adjustments included
Minnesota Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per stirpes, modified per stirpes, and living heirs only divisions included
Montana Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Maternal-paternal division between grandparents and distribution through the 12th degree of relation included
Nebraska Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Maternal-paternal division between grandparents and distribution through the 12th degree of relation included
Nevada Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per stirpes divisions, distribution through the 12th degree of kinship of decedent and of predeceased spouse included
New Jersey Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per capita divisions included
New Mexico Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per capita divisions and examination of up to two predeceased spouses included
New York Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per capita divisions included
North Carolina Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per capita divisions and real estate divisions included
Ohio Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per stirpes divisions included
Pennsylvania Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per stirpes divisions AND Pennsylvania inheritance tax calculations included
South Carolina Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Modified per stirpes divisions and distribution among great-grandparents’ issue included
South Dakota Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per stirpes divisions and maternal/paternal divisions at grandparent relation
Tennessee Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per stirpes divisions included
Texas Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Half-blood divisions and allocations of community property and real estate included
Utah Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per capita divisions, annual cost-of-living adjustments, distributions to descendants of multiple predeceased spouses
Virginia Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Half-blood divisions included
Washington Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per stirpes divisions and distribution of predeceased spouse’s property to step-children included
West Virginia Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per capita divisions included
Wisconsin Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per stirpes divisions included
New Hampshire
North Dakota
Rhode Island