Intestacy Evaluators™

Select a state to see who inherits the intestate estate of someone who dies without a will according to that state’s intestacy laws.
Additional state programs are being reworked to PHP as time allows and will be added to this list when complete.

Current States

Alabama Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Maternal-paternal division between grandparents included
Arizona Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per capita divisions and community property allocation included
California Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Distributions to previously deceased spouse’s heirs included
Colorado Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Accounts for differences in the law for deaths before and after 08/10/2022
~ Per capita divisions and annual cost-of-living adjustments included
Connecticut Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Distribution through issue of step-children and per stirpes divisions included
Delaware Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Distribution through the 12th degree of relation and per stirpes divisions included
District of Columbia Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Distribution through the 5th degree of relation and per stirpes divisions included
Florida Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Half-blood divisions included
Georgia Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per stirpes divisions included
Hawaiʻi Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Accounts for differences in the law for deaths before and after 06/29/2023
~ Per capita divisions included
Idaho Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Modified per stirpes divisions and maternal/paternal divisions at grandparent relation
Illinois Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per stirpes divisions included
Indiana Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per stirpes divisions and independent allocation of real estate included
Iowa Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Maternal-paternal division between grandparents and between four sets great-grandparents and their issue included
Kentucky Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Half-blood divisions, maternal/paternal divisions at grandparent relation, distribution to heirs of predeceased spouse included
Maine Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per capita divisions and distribution among great-grandparents’ issue and step-children included
Maryland Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Maternal-paternal division between grandparents and between four sets great-grandparents and their issue included
Massachusetts Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per capita divisions and distribution through the 12th degree of kinship included
Michigan Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per capita divisions and annual cost-of-living adjustments included
Minnesota Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per stirpes, modified per stirpes, and living heirs only divisions included
Montana Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Maternal-paternal division between grandparents and distribution through the 12th degree of relation included
Nebraska Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Maternal-paternal division between grandparents and distribution through the 12th degree of relation included
Nevada Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per stirpes divisions, distribution through the 12th degree of kinship of decedent and of predeceased spouse included
New Jersey Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per capita divisions included
New Mexico Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per capita divisions and examination of up to two predeceased spouses included
New York Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per capita divisions included
North Carolina Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per capita divisions and real estate divisions included
Ohio Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per stirpes divisions included
Pennsylvania Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per stirpes divisions AND Pennsylvania inheritance tax calculations included
South Carolina Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Modified per stirpes divisions and distribution among great-grandparents’ issue included
South Dakota Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per stirpes divisions and maternal/paternal divisions at grandparent relation
Tennessee Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per stirpes divisions included
Texas Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Half-blood divisions and allocations of community property and real estate included
Utah Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per capita divisions, annual cost-of-living adjustments, distributions to descendants of multiple predeceased spouses
Virginia Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Half-blood divisions included
Washington Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per stirpes divisions and distribution of predeceased spouse’s property to step-children included
West Virginia Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per capita divisions included
Wisconsin Intestacy Evaluator™
~ Per stirpes divisions included

States being recoded

New Hampshire
North Dakota
Rhode Island